Original Chapters
UPI Chapters
This page contains information regarding the new UPI chapters being created throughout counties in California and other states as they are established. Here you will find contact information for the chairperson(s) conducting these chapter meetings. Contact them through e-mail or phone to find out when the next meeting is, if there's one available in your county.
We are still looking for members who are interested in helping out by creating new chapters in counties where we don't yet have chapters or assisting those who are currently conducting meetings. Starting a new chapter involves only one meeting per month for a few hours and you'll have assistance from the board of directors.
If you are interested contact John Lopez, our Vice President, by phone at
(209) 373-6997, or by sending an e-mail from our Contacts
Us Page, and request more information on how to get a chapter started.
Central Valley Chapter UPI |
Meeting Location & Time:
Contact one of the co-chapter leads for this chapter for dates, times and locations |
South Bay Chapter UPI |
Meeting Location & Time:
Contact the chairperson for this chapter for dates, times and locations |
Contra Costa Chapter UPI |
Meeting Location & Time:
Contact the chairperson for this chapter for dates, times and locations |