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Contra Costa Chapter of UPI

A gold prospecting chapter of United Prospectors, Inc.

Original Join UPI

New Friendships And Enjoying The Great Outdoors Is What United Prospectors Is About...

Membership Information

This Is UPI

United Prospectors Inc. (UPI) is a family oriented small scale gold mining, prospecting, gem, and mineral hunting organization. We currently have claims available on eight waterways in California for a total of over 1200 acres. Claims are located in Mariposa, Plumas, and Toulumne Counties. Most are RV accessible. We are actively searching for more claims. Members can prospect for gold and other metals, gems, and minerals on the claims any time they wish. UPI has the family and small-scale miner in mind and is an organization that is proud of the camaraderie shared among its members. The membership includes the very young to the very mature. As a member you can mine or camp on any of our claims any time you wish limited only by the current governmental rules and regulations dealing with mining and camping on public lands. There are four to five organized outings each year at our various claim sites, averaging 50 folks. Each outing is scheduled round a weekend. In addition to mining there is usually a board meeting held where all members are encouraged to attend and participate. At the outings Saturday evening is reserved for the traditional potluck dinner and drawing. At this event you have the chance of winning some great gold recovery equipment and other items including gold. As a member you will receive a Guidebook containing maps and directions to our claims and four to five newsletters a year containing pictures of you out there mining, the drawings, potlucks, and commentaries. The cost is just $45.00 a year. This is about the price of a night out at a fast food restaurant and theater tickets for two. Jack Douglas, known as “The Old Prospector”, first conceived the organization in 1947. UPI was incorporated in 1949 in time for the California Gold Rush Centennial and has been in existence ever since. Little did the original founders realize that UPI would grow to be the oldest gold, gems, and minerals prospecting group of its kind. Join us today and continue the tradition.

Just click the application link below and you'll be taken to our membership page (in it's own window) where you can fill the application out online and print it directly to your printer. Maximize the window that opens for best viewing and filling in of the form.

Membership Application